CTE in Twenty Seconds

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  • A generation ago, we knew it as vocational education or skilled trades training

  • Finances and logistics have removed most local schools’ ability to offer it; CTE fills that void

  • It’s offered to juniors and seniors at high schools in Beaverton, Clare, Farwell, Gladwin and Harrison

  • Students get an opportunity to explore many diverse career fields

  • Students learn valuable professional and personal skills that help prepare them for life after high school, whether it’s in college, the workforce or both

CTE Success Stories

CTE's Criminal Justice program hosted the regional Public Safety Skills Competition on Feb. 6

"I'M IN THE RIGHT PLACE" - Clare-Gladwin CTE's Construction Trades class is profiled in the new series "CTE in 3:33."

DON'T BLINK or you'll miss the next great class of hands-on learners...this year's Faces of CTE.
CTE Digital Media students are pitching their videogame ideas to in-class "funding sources." Here's one example.
CTE's Criminal Justice students have launched a campaign reaching all five CGRESD school districts to persuade their peers against distracted and impaired driving. #DriveSafeCTE
CTE's Criminal Justice students get hands-on-the-job training through Work-Based Learning placements with the Clare County Sheriff's Dept., Prosecuting Attorney and Central Dispatch.

Things are getting a little chirpy in Ag-Science.

Time lapse video of the construction of Clare-Gladwin CTE's Wilhelm Joseph Magnus Building for Hands On Learning
CTE's Work-Based Learning program matches prepared students with employment/learning opportunities in the community.

THE REST OF THE STORY - You might remember our story about the work CTE Construction Trades students were doing to build a house in Gladwin earlier in the year. (If not, read it here or watch the video here.) Well, the school year's over and we've got an update.

CTE Criminal Justice Mock Trial

CTE's Construction Trades students are in the midst of an ambitious year-long project - building a house from start to finish.
CTE Culinary Arts students Harley Hakes and Lydia Gervase combined their catering expertise with their love of animals to make a difference in their community. This is their story.
Instructor Josh Myers demonstrates a huge safety mechanism in the program's table saws - the SawStop.
Why it matters.
Clare-Gladwin CTE's Culinary Arts class is profiled.
Clare-Gladwin's Automotive Technology class is profiled.
Profile of Clare-Gladwin CTE's Construction Trades program.

CTE Success Story: Jason Sanderson

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